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"D Jančić"
Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate, and their impurities on three different HILIC columns (2018-10)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate, and their impurities on three different HILIC columns, JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 523 - 531, Oct, 2018 -
Quality by Design oriented development of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for the analysis of amitriptyline and its impurities (2019-05)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, Quality by Design oriented development of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for the analysis of amitriptyline and its impurities, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, Vol. 173, pp. 86 - 95, May, 2019 -
Papilarni karcinom u toksičnom adenomu (2001)
D. Jančić, M. Maksić, Papilarni karcinom u toksičnom adenomu, 2001 -
Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns (2018-10)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Knežević, D. Ivanović, Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns, pp. 401 - 402, Oct, 2018 -
QbD oriented development and validation of the HILIC method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities (2018-10)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, D. Knežević, G. Forsdahl, B. Jančić-Stojanović, QbD oriented development and validation of the HILIC method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities, pp. 402 - 403, Oct, 2018 -
Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipine besylate and bisoprolol fumarate (2014-09)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipine besylate and bisoprolol fumarate, Communicating Separation Science for the Future, pp. 107 - 108, Sep, 2014 -
Determination of olopatadine hydrochloride solubility by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and UV spectrophotometric methods (2015-05)
A. Račić, D. Krajišnik, B. Jančić-Stojanović, B. Čalija, J. Milić, Determination of olopatadine hydrochloride solubility by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and UV spectrophotometric methods, II Congress of Pharmacists of Montenegro with International participation - Abstract book, pp. 169 - 170, May, 2015 -
Poređenje punog faktorskog dizajna, centralnog kompozicionog dizajna i Box–Behenken dizajna u razvoju hromatografske metode za analizu flukonazola i njegovih nečistoća (2015-05)
T. Rakić, I. Kasagić-Vujanović, M. Jovanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Poređenje punog faktorskog dizajna, centralnog kompozicionog dizajna i Box–Behenken dizajna u razvoju hromatografske metode za analizu flukonazola i njegovih nečistoća, Zbornik sažetaka II Kongresa farmaceuta Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, pp. 192 - 193, May, 2015 -
Praćenje stabilnosti amlodipin-besilata stres testom primjenom tečne hromatografije hidrofilnih interakcija i tečnom hromatografijom sa masenim detektorom (2015-05)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Praćenje stabilnosti amlodipin-besilata stres testom primjenom tečne hromatografije hidrofilnih interakcija i tečnom hromatografijom sa masenim detektorom, Zbornik sažetaka II Kongresa farmaceuta Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, pp. 194 - 195, May, 2015 -
The stage of termal degradation of amlodipine besylate estimated by simultaneous TG/DTA analysis (2015-05)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, D. Jelić, S. Mentus, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, The stage of termal degradation of amlodipine besylate estimated by simultaneous TG/DTA analysis, Pharmacia 2015; Vol. 18 (1), pp. 163 - 164, May, 2015 -
QbD oriented development and validation of the HILIC method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities (2018)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, D. Knežević, G. Forsdahl, B. Jančić-Stojanović, QbD oriented development and validation of the HILIC method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities, pp. 402 - 403, 2018 -
Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns (2018)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Knežević, D. Ivanović, Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns, pp. 401 - 402, 2018 -
Testiranje robusnosti metode tečne hromatografije za određivanje itrakonazola i njegovih nečistoća primenom frakcionog faktorskog dizajna (2012-02)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, M. Jovanović, Т. Rakić, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Testiranje robusnosti metode tečne hromatografije za određivanje itrakonazola i njegovih nečistoća primenom frakcionog faktorskog dizajna, Arhiv za farmaciju, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 475 - 488, Feb, 2012 -
Studije forsirane degradacije amlodipin-besilata i bisoprolol-fumarata primjenom tečne hromatografije hidrofilnih interakcija (2014)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Studije forsirane degradacije amlodipin-besilata i bisoprolol-fumarata primjenom tečne hromatografije hidrofilnih interakcija, Arhiv za farmaciju, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 230 - 246, 2014 -
Stability study of amlodipine besylate and bisoprolol fumarate in aqueous solutions (2014)
I. Vujanović-Kasagić, D. Jelić, V. Antunović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Stability study of amlodipine besylate and bisoprolol fumarate in aqueous solutions, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 212 - 221, 2014 -
Comparison of full factorial desing, central composite desing and Box Behenken desing in cromatographic method development for the analysis of fluconazole and its impurities (2014-02)
Т. Rakić, I. Kasagić-Vujanović, М. Jovanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Comparison of full factorial desing, central composite desing and Box Behenken desing in cromatographic method development for the analysis of fluconazole and its impurities, ANALYTICAL LETTERS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RAPID COMMUNICATION, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1334 - 1347, Feb, 2014 -
Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipin besylate and bisoprolol fumarate (2015-02)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, T. Rakić, D. Ivanović, Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipin besylate and bisoprolol fumarate, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 919 - 928, Feb, 2015 -
Application of chemical kinetics to predict/test the stability of amlodipine-besilate and bisoprolol-fumarate individualy and in mixture (2014)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, D. Jelić, V. Antunović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Application of chemical kinetics to predict/test the stability of amlodipine-besilate and bisoprolol-fumarate individualy and in mixture, ABSTRACT BOOK, pp. 185 - 186, 2014 -
Monitoring of bisoprolol fumarate stability under different stress conditions (2017-03)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, Б. Јанчић Стојановић, Д. Ивановић, Monitoring of bisoprolol fumarate stability under different stress conditions, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017, pp. 415 - 424, Mar, 2017